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October Trip Update 2024

Updated: Mar 4

The October 2024 trip to Jordan was a very awesome and successful one. Every single day we received encouraging uplifting Scriptures from the Word of God and messages from you our supporters that gave us strength and courage to go forward each day. 

The RFI team, Christian, Ethan and Joanne, serviced many recurring families and met many new ones. Our prayer to acquire new Iraqi Christian families in great need like widows, disabled and elderly were answered. We are humbled to add these needy families as beneficiaries.  

The Syrian, Sudanese and Iraqi people groups are tremendously suffering still from the after effects of fleeing their country and being in transition, some waiting now over 8 years to know if there is a country that will allow them to immigrate. They express to us that they are forever thankful for the aid that you give them.

Our team was kept safe, even when missiles intercepted drones right above us in the night sky over the Red Sea while servicing refugees in Aqaba. With the escalation of war in the Middle East, these really are contemplative days for the church. 

Our hearts are full of thanks for your many prayers and support. Your faithfulness enables us to move forward with our service in Jesus Name!

- Joanne Liang, Director of Restoring Refugees, October 2024

You can view our video of the trip here: 


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