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March 2022 Newsletter

Updated: Feb 11, 2024

By Joanne Liang, Director of Restoring Refugees

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

We are excited that the Easter Resurrection Day program is under way. More partners in this endeavor will allow many more refugee families to receive food during this special Christian celebration.

For those of you who have asked, here is a practical breakdown of food costs to know how your contribution is helping:

$35 serves a small - med family for 1 week

$70 serves a small - med family for 2 weeks

$140 serves a small - med family for 1 mo

$50 serves a large family for 1 week

$100 serves a large family for 2 weeks

$200 serves a large family for 1 mo

Food items consist of beans, lentils, rice, farina, pasta, sauce, bread, eggs, milk, juice, oil, sugar, salt, fruit and vegetables and drinking water.

Another common question we get is: how much of my donations go directly to the refugees?

All of it! 100% of your donations go directly to the families. We do not use your funds for administrative costs nor business expenses.

It is with gladness that we share these details of our ministry. There are millions who are without their home country. The little that we can provide by way of food coupons during this holiday of the Resurrection of Jesus is a ray of hope to the families during their celebration. They are part of our family; our sisters and brothers in Christ. He is the reason they gave up their families, jobs, lifestyle, education, homes, cars and country.

During this time, please pray that the members of each family receive rest in Jesus from the weary and burdened life they live. Thank you again for praying and partnering with Restoring Faith Inc.



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